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5-22: 英国华威大学校长Nigel Thrift教授: PASS IT ON: Towards a Political Economy of Propensity



英国华威大学校长Nigel Thrift教授清华大学演讲

【主讲】英国华威大学校长Nigel Thrift教授

【主题】PASS IT ON: Towards a Political Economy of Propensity





Nigel Thrift教授于2006年7月就任华威大学第五任校长,在此之前他曾任牛津大学主管学术研究的副校长,是国际知名的地理学家。在Thrift教授的职业生涯中,曾获得包括皇家地理学会维多利亚奖章等多种学术荣誉,他同时还是英国社会科学研究院和大英科成人自拍视频 院士。

【摘要】The paper argues that the work of Gabriel Tarde on imitation provides a fertile means of understanding how capitalism is forging a new affective technology which conforms to a logic of propensity rather than to means-end reasoning. This it does by drawing together a biological understanding of semiconscious cognition with various practical geometric arts so as to re-stage the world as a series of susceptible situations which can be ridden rather than rigidly controlled. The paper examines the advent of technologies which attend to the variable geometry of so-called animal spirits in the realm of business and then, using Tarde’s work as a springboard, considers some alternative means of understanding imitative rays which have less instrumental undertones. The paper is an illustration of the way in which biology and culture have increasingly become intertwined.

Keywords: animal spirits, biology, imitation, propensity, stage, geometry, capitalism

