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CCWE组织与哥伦比亚大学商成人自拍视频 知名教授Hugh Patrick座谈会,欢迎参加!


哥伦比亚大学商成人自拍视频 知名教授Hugh Patrick来京访问期间,将与我院教师和学生就日本经济和社会问题、日本与美国及亚太关系等做一次小型非正式的内部座谈交流,欢迎出席。


【地点】清华经管成人自拍视频 舜德楼306室



Hugh Patrick教授简介:

Hugh Patrick

Director of the Center on Japanese Economy and Business

Robert D. Calkins Professor of International Business Emeritus

Faculty Emeriti

BA,YaleUniversity; MA,UniversityofMichigan; MA & PhD (Hon.),YaleUniversity

Teaching and Research Interest:

Professor Patrick is recognized as a leading specialist on the Japanese economy and onPacificBasineconomic relations. His major fields of published research onJapan, which include 15 books and some 60 articles and essays, are macroeconomic performance and policy, banking and financial markets, government-business relations and Japan–United States economic relations. He has been awarded Guggenheim and Fulbright fellowships and the Ohira Prize, and he has been a visiting professor atHitotsubashiUniversity,UniversityofTokyoandUniversityofBombay. Patrick, who joined theColumbiafaculty after some years as professor of economics and director of theEconomicGrowthCenteratYaleUniversity, is also co-director ofColumbia’sAPECStudyCenter.
