5月7日晚(本周三),我们将迎来重磅级演讲嘉宾Facebook副总裁Vaughan Smith先生。本次Vaughan Smith先生是受邀参加今年5月在北京举办的全球移动互联网大会(GMIC),清华x-lab届时特邀他来到清华大学与清华学子深度解读Facebook创办十年即引领全球社交网络的创新之路,再现马克•扎克伯格传奇。请准备好你的问题,直面Facebook的机会,不容错过!
嘉宾简介:Vaughan Smith
Vaughan Smith is VP, Special Projects at Facebook. He was previously VP Corporate Development responsible for Acquisitions, Business Development & Mobile Partnerships. Before joining Facebook in 2008, Dr Smith was EVP Corporate Development at Move with responsibility for Strategy, M&A, Online Marketing, Analytics & Partnerships. Prior to joining Move, he was VP Corporate Development at eBay and CEO LiquidWit. Dr Smith has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Canterbury University.
【“校长杯”高峰讲坛】Facebook副总裁讲座——直面Facebook: 创新之路
Innovation at Facebook
嘉宾| Guest Vaughan Smith:Facebook副总裁
时间| Time 2014 / 5 / 7(周三)19:00-20:30
地点| Venue 成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍
Conference Hall, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
主办| Host 清华x-lab(清华x-空间,清华大学创意创新创业教育平台)
报名| Sign Up http//:www.x-lab.crzipai.com/?c=activity&a=ztshow&id=79#ac_main
活动详询| Contact郑老师010-6278495 ;[email protected]