【主题】The European Economy and China – Common Challenges and Possible Solutions
【简介】华金·阿尔穆尼亚,现任欧盟经济及货币事务委员(部长级),从1979年至2004年,任西班牙议会成员;1982年至1986年,就职于就业与社会保障部;1986年至1991年,担任公共行政部部长; 1994年至1997年,担任社会党议会发言人;1997年至2000年,担任PSOE领袖;2000年,成为竞选首相社会党候选人;从2004年四月起,担任欧盟经济及货币事务委员,出版过多部著作,发表过多篇文章。
附:The European Commission Delegation inChinais recruiting an Intern NOW!
What we need:fluent English, strong Economics background, responsible and team-work spirit
What we provide:desk, research facilities, training on EU and global economy, acquaintance to Western way of work, European friendly atmosphere
What you will do:do research on Chinese economic trends, including statistical analysis, draft notes
How to apply:bring your CV (1page max) on September 18 to the speech at the AcademyofArtsand Design A301 Reporting Hall and give it to Ms. Yan Yan (EC Delegation)after the lecture, who will be at the entrance of the Hall.