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5-5: 新西兰Massey大学商成人自拍视频 管理系高级讲师Dr. Craig Prichard: 如何在“'Management Learning”期刊上发表论文?


【主讲】Dr. Craig Prichard,新西兰Massey大学商成人自拍视频 管理系高级讲师

【主题】如何在“'Management Learning”期刊上发表论文?


【地点】清华经管成人自拍视频 伟伦楼401室





This session opens with an introduction to English language academic journal publishing. Using the notion of 'logics' (fromUSinstitutional theory) the presentations provides an analysis follow the progress of an academic paper, published in the journal Management Learning, through the process of development, submission, review and revision. The paper, which includes many of the features found in papers published in Management Learning, has the added advantage of being about Asia-based organizations and thus will have some resonance with faculty in your location. The session offers lots of useful tips for those looking to publish their work in Management Learning.

About the Speaker

Craig Prichard teaches leadership and change courses forMasseyUniversity'sCollegeofBusinessinNew Zealand. He wrote his PhD at the University of Nottingham (UK) and his research and service work contributes to the development of Critical Management Studies (CMS). He is currently main programme chair of the CMS Division of theAcademyofManagementand serves as an associate editor with the journals Management Learning and Organization. He is married with three children and lives in the city ofPalmerston NorthinNew Zealand's lowerNorthIsland.
