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6-5: 范德堡大学欧文商成人自拍视频 教授Larry J. LeBlanc: 表格计算方法在MS和OR中的应用



【主讲人】Larry J. LeBlanc

【时间】2007-6-5 10:30-12:00






Dr. Larry J. LeBlanc teaches a very successful course, "Management

Science in Spreadsheets" to MBAs at theOwenGraduateSchoolof

Management,VanderbiltUniversity,Nashville,Tennesseein theU.S.This

course is one of the most popular electives in theOwenSchoolwith

enrollments of nearly 130 students in three sections. Professor LeBlanc

will be an invited speaker at INFORMS' annual conference on Teaching

Management Science at Georgia Tech,Atlanta,USA, this summer.

Dr. LeBlanc is also a guest editor of the special issue of the

prestigious journal Interfaces on Spreadsheet Applications of Management

Science and Operations Research. Excerpts from the call for papers are

the following:

Spreadsheets, because of their ubiquity, power for rapid development,and

transparency to non-technical managers, are remarkable development

platforms for MS/OR applications. Spreadsheets provide millions of end

users the ability to create and apply MS/OR models. This special issue

will highlight the role of spreadsheets in MS/OR applications by

traditional MS/OR practitioners and by the emerging class of MS/OR end

user modelers.

Course Objectives for my Owen School MBA course: This course uses

Microsoft Excel to demonstrate optimization modeling and simulation of

financial and operations problems. The goal is to simultaneously teach

optimization, simulation, and advanced features of Excel. Example

financial applications include portfolio optimization, short-term cash

flow planning, capital budgeting, and arbitrage models. Operations

applications include aggregate production planning, facility location,

inventory planning, personnel scheduling, and production scheduling with

setup costs.

Advanced features of Excel, including pivot tables, data tables, form

controls, auto and advanced filters, text worksheet functions, graphing,

conditional formatting, and efficient downloading of data from the

internet, are covered.
