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报告人:袁雨飞Professor of Information Systems at DeGroote School of Business,McMaster University,Canada.

题目:Task Technology Fit ofMobileWork Support




报告人:张苹Professor in theSchoolofInformation StudiesatSyracuseUniversity

题目:The State of IT Artifacts in IS Research




报告人:林漳希professor at the Rawls College of Business Administration, and Director of Center for Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence (CAABI, //caabi.ba.ttu.edu),TexasTechUniversity.

题目:The Life Cycle of Online Sellers in the C2CAuction Market


*Prof. Yuan Yufei (**袁雨飞**)*

Dr. Yufei Yuan is a Professor of Information Systems at DeGroote School of Business,McMaster University,Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Information Systems from The University of Michigan inU.S.and B.S. in Mathematics fromFudanUniversityinChina. His research interests are in the areas of mobile commerce, emergency response systems, web-based negotiation support systems, security and privacy, business model of electronic commerce, fuzzy logic and expert systems, matching problem, and information systems in health care. Dr. Yuan has published 70 papers in many high quality journals such as Journal of MIS, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Security and Privacy, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Group Decision and Negotiation, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Sciences, Management Sciences and others. Dr. Yuan has been actively involved in many professional organizations. He served as Conference Chair for ICMB 2007 (International Conference on Mobile Business) and Program Co-Chair for AMCIS 2008 (Americas Conference on Information Systems). He also served as a Guest Editor for a special issue of International Journal of Mobile Communications and a Guest Co-Editor for a special issue of Group Decision and Negotiation. He is the Editorial Board Member of IJMC (International Journal of Mobile Communications) and others. Dr. Yuan was appointed as Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation in 2002-2008 and his name is listed in Who’s Who inCanada.

*Task technology fit of mobile work support*

*Abstract* In the light of task-technology fit theory and attitude/behavioural theory, we proposed a research model for the fit between mobile task characteristics and the mobile work support functions. The ideal fit was analyzed on the basis of empirical data collected from a sample of mobile knowledge and field workers. Our study resulted in a theoretical contribution to task/technology fit theory in the context of mobile work support, and suggested guidelines for the development and use of mobile work support systems.

*Prof. Zhang Ping (**张苹**)*

Dr. Ping Zhang is Professor in theSchoolofInformation StudiesatSyracuseUniversity. Her research interests include the intellectual development of information related fields; human-centeredness in ICT development, evaluation and use; affective, cognitive, motivational and behavioral aspects of individual reactions towards ICT; and the impact of ICT design and use on individuals, organizations, societies and cultures. She is co-editor (with Dennis Galletta) of two edited books on HCI and MIS of the Advances in MIS series (by M.E. Sharpe, 2006), and is co-author (with Dov Te’eni and Jane Carey) of the first HCI textbook for non-CS students (by John Wiley, 2007). Dr. Zhang has received 4 Best Paper awards, 2 nominations for best paper awards, an excellence in teaching award, and an outstanding service award. She and Dennis Galletta are founding Editors-in-Chief for AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. In addition, she is Senior Editor for the Journal of Associations for Information Systems (JAIS), former Associate Editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) and Communications of Association for Information Systems (CAIS), on the editorial board of Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) and Journal of Database Management, and a guest senior editor of 7 special issues for Journal of Association for Information Systems (2004 and 2008), Journal of Management Information Systems (2005), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2003 and 2006), International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (2005), and Behavior & Information Technology (2004). Dr. Zhang is the founding chair (2001-2004) of Association for Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI). She received her PhD in Information Systems from theUniversityofTexasatAustin, and M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science fromPekingUniversity,Beijing,China. To know more about her, visit her homepage at //melody.syr.edu/pzhang.

*The State of IT Artifacts in IS Research*

*Abstract* The notion of IT artifact as the core of the IS discipline has been generally accepted by IS scholars, despite a thick gray area consisting of multiple and varied conceptualizations of IT artifacts. In this study, we do not seek to clarify this gray area, or to impose any specific worldview upon it. Rather, we strive to present an accurate representation of the current state of IT artifacts as researchers conceptualized them. We do so through content analysis of 134 research articles from the most recent proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2009. We consider three facets for our analysis: IT artifact conceptualization adopted from Orlikowski and Iacono’s (2001), context of a study, and granularity of IT artifact treatment. These facets inform us as to the current state of IT artifacts as the way IS scholars study them. We provide discussions about the intersections of these three facets, comparison of our analysis of IT artifacts to two other studies, and provide implications for IS scholars and the IS discipline as a whole.

*Prof. Lin Zhangxi (**林漳希**)*

Dr. Zhangxi Lin is a professor at the Rawls College of Business Administration, and Director of Center for Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence (CAABI, //caabi.ba.ttu.edu),TexasTechUniversity. He is also an adjunct professor for a number of Chinese universities, includingTongjiUniversity(Shanghai),FujianUniversityof Technology (FJUT,Fuzhou), and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE,Chengdu). He received an M. Eng. degree in computer science fromTsinghuaUniversityin 1982, and an M.S. degree in economics from theUniversityofTexasatAustinin 1996. He earned his Ph.D. degree in information systems in 1999 from theUniversityofTexasatAustin. His research interests include electronic commerce, data communications, information economics, and business intelligence. He has published papers in Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems, Communications of AIS, Information Technology and Management, Journal of Global Information Management, and a few more. He has more than 20-year experience in information technology applications covering large-scale data processing, management information systems, and e-commerce systems. His extensive working experience inChinafor more than twenty-five years helped him maintaining connections inChina's academic community and the industry.

Zhangxi Lin is initiating and coordinating a number of on-going international projects:

1) Joint Business Intelligence Lab by CAABI and SWUFE established in July 2007

2) eBEREA - A joint education program between two European universities and two Chinese universities, launched in 2007

3) Joint education programs in business intelligence between theRawlsCollegeand the Business School of Nankai University

4) Joint research projects in business intelligence between CAABI and SWUFE and Guangdong University of Business Studies.

Dr. Zhangxi Lin is a board member of Lubbock Chinese Community and the Faculty Advisor for Association of Chinese Students and Scholar in Lubbock (ACSSL)
