,Frank Plumpton Ramsey政治经济学讲席教授
Frank Plumpton Ramsey政治经济学讲席教授
Richard Zeckhauser is the Frank P. Ramsey Professor of Political Economy,Kennedy School,Harvard University. He graduated fromHarvardCollege(summa cum laude) and received his Ph.D. there. He is an elected fellow of the Econometric Society, theInstituteofMedicine(National Academy of Sciences), and theAmericanAcademyof Arts and Sciences. In 2007, he won the United States National Mixed Pairs Championship in contract bridge. Zeckhauser is a Senior Principal at Equity Resource Investments (ERI), a special situations real estate firm. He chairs the Investment Decisions and Behavioral Finance Executive Program at Harvard. Zeckhauser pioneered the field of policy analysis, and is a leading expert on economic behavior under uncertainty. His current research projects analyze environmental disasters, deception and reputations, trust in Islamic and Western nations, decisions in health care, investing in highly uncertain worlds, and effective relationships between the public and private sectors. Zeckhauser is the author or coauthor of 248 articles. His most recent books includeTargeting in Social Programs: Avoiding Bad Bets and Removing Bad Apples(2006), andThe Patron’s Payoff: Conspicuous Commissions in Renaissance Italy(2008).