【主讲】Nardia Haigh博士,美国马萨诸塞大学管理成人自拍视频
【时间】2012-6-18(星期一)15:30 - 17:00
Nardia Haigh is an Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Nardia’s research focuses on business models and strategies that address large-scale sustainability issues, such as those associated with climate change, the management of environmental commons, and engagement with social issues. Her most current project is examining how US firms address large-scale sustainability issues in ways that are successful for the firm and contribute to resolving the broader issue. Nardia’s work has been published in international peer-reviewed outlets including European Management Journal, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Business & Society. She completed her Ph.D. in business management at the University of Queensland Business School, in Brisbane, Australia. Prior to this, Nardia worked as a business analyst in the IT industry, and completed a Master of Technology Management.
这篇文章获得2012 “创新与创业”国际学术会议最佳论文奖。
How do firms address endemic labor discord? Comparative case studies are the foundation of our theoretical model showing the adoption and implementation of employee-based eco-innovations as one solution. We address the topic by examining six firms in the meat processing industry where labor relations conflict was endemic, and comparing successful and unsuccessful implementations. Weick’s “small wins” emerged as a conceptual frame that helped understand the eco-innovation adoption and conflict resolution process, and proved to be the differentiator of firms that succeeded from those that failed.