【主讲人】Pek-Hooi Soh,西门飞莎大学商成人自拍视频
【时间】2012-11-22 星期四 下午 1:30 - 3:00
A firm’s ability to produce high-impact innovations depends upon the nature of its R&D alliances as well as its composition of scientific human capital. The firm’s scientific human capital is made up of its scientists, who produce valuable research outputs and who engage with the broader scientific community, thus helping the firm to integrate new knowledge from universities and other firms. In this paper, we examine heterogeneity within the firm’s scientific human capital, emphasizing the distinct role of ‘bridging scientists’ who engage in two related but dissimilar scientific activities: patenting and publishing. Using a panel dataset of 222 firms in biotechnology between 1990 and 2000, we show that bridging scientists have a positive and significant impact on patent performance relative to other scientists within the firm. Looking
closer at bridging scientists, we draw a distinction between Pasteur bridging scientists and Edison bridging scientists, with the latter having less of an orientation towards fundamental research. We show that both types of bridging scientists complement the focal firm’s R&D alliances with other firms. However, Pasteur bridging scientists are substitutive with university R&D alliances while Edison bridging scientists are complementary. Our findings suggest that the composition of a firm’s scientific human capital and its R&D alliances interact in subtle ways to impact patent performance.
Pek Hooi Soh is an Associate Professor of Technology Management and Strategy at the Beedie School of Business at SFU. Before joining SFU, she was on the faculty of NUS Business School at National University of Singapore (NUS). She received her Ph.D. in Management of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship from MIT Sloan School of Management, her Masters' degrees from the London School of Economics and NUS Business School, and her B.Sc. from University College London.
Professor Soh’s research examines how collaboration networks affect technological transition, technology standard development, innovation performance, entrepreneurial and diversification strategy. Her work has appeared in the field’s top journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy and Journal of Business Venturing. Professor Soh currently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Business Venturing and Journal of Business Research. She has taught in EMBA and MBA programs on technology management and strategy, and doctoral seminars on strategic management.