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Xavier Martin,Tilburg University教授:Home Country Alliance Experience, State Ownership, and the Internationalization of Chinese Firms


【主讲】Xavier Martin, Professor of Strategy,  International Business and Innovation, Tilburg University

【主题】Home Country Alliance Experience, State Ownership, and the Internationalization of Chinese Firms


【地点】清华经管成人自拍视频 伟伦楼401




This paper examines how collaboration with multinational enterprises, and state-owned status, affect local firms’ attempts to expand internationally. We theorize that experiencing domestic alliances with foreign investors will induce knowledge spillovers that affect a firm’s choice of country and entry mode in subsequent foreign investments. We also theorize that the effect of domestic state ownership on these outcomes is contingent on the extent of state involvement in the host economy. Using a sample of firm-level foreign direct investment (FDI) in- and out-flows for China during 1978-2011, we find substantive effects of joint venture experience on the propensity of Chinese firms to conduct FDI and on where and how they enter. In addition we find that the effect of state ownership is contingent as predicted. We draw implications for internalization and institutional perspectives on FDI, and specifically for the study of state-owned and emerging-economy firms.


Xavier Martin (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is Professor of Strategy, International Business and Innovation, a Fellow of the CentER for Research in Economics and Business, and cofounder of the Center for Innovation Research at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). He was previously on the faculty of New York University (Stern School of Business) and Columbia University (Graduate School of Business).

His research examines how corporate strategies, interfirm relationships, and knowledge-based assets affect each other and jointly affect firm performance. His papers have appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science, the Journal of International Business Studies and Research Policy, among others. He is a recipient of multiple research awards, including the Best International Paper Award (now Dexter Award) from the Academy of Management, both the Haynes Prize for Best Paper and the Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award from the Academy of International Business, and several Best Paper/Best Student Paper awards from the Strategic Management Society.

He serves on the editorial boards of the Strategic Management Journal and the Journal of International Business Studies and served previously on several other journal and conference boards. He is a former member of the Board of the Strategic Management Society and the former chair of its Competitive Strategy Interest Group. He has also served on the executive committees of two Academy of Management divisions (Business Policy & Strategy and Technology & Innovation Management).


Additional Note:

Prof. Martin will hold an introductory session about Tilburg University’s graduate programs from 16:00 to 18:00 in the same classroom. All students who are interested in applying for their graduate programs are welcome to join.
