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2022年06月20日 15:29
为促进国内外学者交流理论经济学、行为经济学与实验经济学方面的前沿问题,成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济系与清华大学中国财政税收研究所合作,将于2022年7月7至8日,在成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 召开2022年清华大学行为、实验及理论经济学会议。

本次会议邀请到20位来自国内外的知名教授与青年学者担任主讲嘉宾,与参会人员共同分享在信息、博弈、 匹配、实验、产业组织等领域的最新研究成果,并通过国内外学术交流,进一步推动理论经济 学、行为经济学与实验经济学研究向更深层次发展。因疫情原因,本次会议为线上会议,会议语言为英语。
会议的组委会成员: 白重恩,陈岩,高明,刘潇,Alex White,吴星烨,郑捷,钟笑寒,周俊杰。
本会议没有注册费用。 请有意参与本会议的学术同仁按如下会议日程,点击下面的连接进行注册:

Tsinghua BEAT 2022 Program

Beijing Time

Thursday 7 July

Friday 8 July


Keynote 1. Sherry Xin Li
 (University of Arkansas, 8 PM)

“Social Information, Reciprocity, and   Image Motivation: Experiments on Children’s Pro-Social Behavior from Colombia”

Keynote 3. Fuhito Kojima

(University of Tokyo, 10 AM)

“Ekkyo Matching: How to Connect Separate Matching Markets for Welfare Improvement”

10-min break

10-min break

Session 1. Behavioral &   Experimental

Chair: Tracy Xiao Liu

Session 3. Market Design

Chair: Xingye Wu


Tingting Ding (SHUFE)
Why Participants Make Dominated Choices in Strategy-proof School Choice Mechanisms

Ning Neil Yu (Nanjing Audit)
Job Matching With Subsidy and Taxation


Yu Gao (Peking University)
What's the Value of Face? An Experiment Exploring the Value of Facial Information   from the Supply Side

Gaoji Hu (SHUFE)

Bayesian Stability, Bayesian Efficiency, and a Synthesis

10-min break

10-min break


Lingbo Huang (Nanjing Audit University)

Born to wait? Redesigning Allocation Rules in Booking Systems

Inacio Bo (SWUFE)

Pick an object  Mechanisms


Ning LiuBeihang University

Ambiguity Attitudes and Voter Turnout:

Evidence from a Field Experiment during the 2020 US Presidential Election

Xingye Wu (Tsinghua University)

Stable and Strategy-proof Matching and Value Representation of Choice Functions

Lunch break

Lunch break

Beijing Time

Session 2. Contest and Information

Chair: Jie Zheng

Session 4. IO and Networks
 Chair: Junjie Zhou


Bin Liu (CUHK Shenzhen)

Optimal Orchestration of Rewards and

Punishments in Rank-Order Contests

Masaki Aoyagi (Osaka University)

Many-to-Many Matching of Heterogeneous Skills on a Two-Sided Platform


Xinmi Li (Tsinghua University)

Even-split Strategy in Sequential Colonel Blotto Games

Nicolas Schutz (University of Mannheim)

Merger Analysis with IIA Demand

10-min break

10-min break


Feng Zhu (Naikai University)

Creative Contests — Theory and Experiment

Andrew Rhodes (Toulouse)

Platform Design When Sellers Use Pricing Algorithms


Ye Jin (NYU Shanghai)

Paternalism in a World of Uncertainty: An Experimental Study

Ryan Kor (NUS)

Welfare and Distributional Effects of Joint Intervention in Networks

10-min break

10-min break


Keynote 2. Kai Konrad

(MPI for Tax Law and PF, 11 AM)

“The Political Economy of Paternalism”

Keynote 4. Sanjeev Goyal

(Cambridge University, 10 AM)

“Groups, Markets and State Capacity”