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Call for Papers : Tsinghua BEAT 2018
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2018 Tsinghua Conference on Behavioral, Experimental and Theoretical Economics (shortened as Tsinghua BEAT). The conference will be held on the campus of Tsinghua University, at the School of Economics and Management, in Beijing on July 9-10, 2018.
Keynote speakers at Tsinghua BEAT include:
Jacob Goeree, University of New South Wales;
Ed Hopkins, University of Edinburgh;
Muriel Niederle, Stanford University;
Alvin Roth, Stanford University (2012 Nobel Laureate in Economics).
The conference has a single track. Please consider submitting a paper in the areas of behavioral, experimental and theoretical economics to the conference by February 1, 2018. Papers should be sent as email attachments to [email protected], with the subject line: [2018 Tsinghua BEAT submission]. Extended abstracts will not be accepted. Members of the organizing committee will put together the program and notify the participants by March 1, 2018. The acceptance rate for submitted papers for the 2017 conference was 50%. We look forward to welcoming you in July at Tsinghua.
Organizing Committee:
Chong-En Bai
Yan Chen
Ming Gao
Audrey Hu
Tracy Xiao Liu
Alex White
Jie Zheng
Xiaohan Zhong
Programs from Previous Years: