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2011年09月23日 00:00

【主讲】 车嘉华,香港中文大学

【主题】 预算软约束,调动积极性:最后的晚餐

【时间】 2011-9-29(周四)14:30-16:00

【地点】 清华经管成人自拍视频 伟伦楼409

【语言】 英文

【主办】 成人自拍视频-成人在线自拍 经济系

【Speaker】 Jiahua Che, City University of Hongkong

【Topic】 The Last Supper: Complementing Financial Discipline with


【Time】 14:30-16:00, 2011-9-29, Thursday

【Venue】 Weilun 409, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics


Does financial bail-out destroy incentives? The conventional wisdom says

yes. We investigate the question by, first, asking why there is financial

bail-out in the first place, then, embedding the question into an

environment where financial bail-out is called for, and finally, analyzing a

particular mechanism that solves the twin problem of the need for bail-out

and the moral hazard thus associated. We show that, when done properly,

financial bail-out improves, rather than destroys, incentives. Our analysis

sheds light on the experience of China’s financial and real sector

development and offers a useful benchmark for understanding bail-out during

financial crises in general.