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2012年7月2日 熊伟(普林斯顿大学)扭曲信念模型的福利标准、本地和外国投资者如何应对公共信息:来自中国的证据

2012年06月28日 00:00

【主题】 (1) 扭曲信念模型的福利标准

(2) 本地和外国投资者如何应对公共信息:来自中国的证据

【主讲人】 熊伟

【时间】 2012-7-2(周一)14:00-15:30

【地点】 清华经管成人自拍视频 伟伦楼501

【语言】 英语

【主办】 金融系,经济系

【目标听众】博士生,硕士生以及经管成人自拍视频 教师


熊伟博士是普林斯顿大学金融系教授。他于2001年获得了杜克大学金融学博士。他撰写了许多学术文章,这些文章曾出现在许多出版物包括Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Financial Studies, Annals of Economics and Finance, and Journal of Economic Theory等等。

【Topic】 (1) A Welfare Criterion for Models with Distorted Beliefs

(2) How do Local and Foreign Investors React to Public Information: Evidence from China

【Speaker】 Wei Xiong

【Time】 14:00-15:30, 2012-7-2, Monday

【Venue】 Room 501, Weilun Building Tsinghua SEM.

【Language】 English

【Organizer】 Department of Finance, Department of Economics

【Target Audience】Faculty Members and Graduate Students

【Background Information】

Wei Xiong is Professor of Economics at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D.in Finance from Duke University in 2001. He has written numerous scholarly articles, which have appeared in many top journals including Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Financial Studies, Annals of Economics and Finance, and Journal of Economic Theory and so on.